Beyond Piano and Violin: Why Guitar Belongs with the Hardest Instruments

When it comes to conquering the hardest musical mountains, the big dogs like piano, violin and oboe always get mentioned first. But we can't sleep on the guitar! Some say shredding guitar should be right up there too when it comes to instruments that are straight up hard AF to master.

I mean sure, guitar may seem easy to pick up at first. But transforming those beginner chords into blazing fast solos, complex fingerstyle playing, and masterful musicality? That takes some legit dedication over years of callouses and practice blisters!

Just thinking about the challenges makes my head spin - insane dexterity, impeccable timing, massive repertoire of chords and scales. And reading sheet music while simultaneously watching your left AND right hand... Sheesh.

While I'll leave it to you more educated musicians to make the final verdict, I say any instrument that allows true greats like Jimi Hendrix or Andrés Segovia to push boundaries deserves a spot high on that musical Mount Olympus. Guitars may seem friendly at first, but they sure can humble us too!

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What do you think - does guitar deserve consideration among the hardest instruments, or is it easier than it seems from the outside? I'd love to get some hot takes from guitarists themselves!

Don't be fooled - the guitar is way harder than it looks! Those fast solos, barre chords, and fancy fingerpicking are crazy tricky to master. Building calluses and muscle memory takes time. And reading sheet music while watching both hands. Guitar seems easy-breezy, but doing it right takes major dedication. Let me know if you have tips for guitar success! I need 'em.

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