Managing Artists 101: Tips, Truths and Insider Know-How

Being an artist manager is a wild rollercoaster ride. You get to help talented creatives succeed! But it's also a huge responsibility. Before diving in, it's wise to learn some key do's and don'ts from those who've been there. Let this industry insider share hard-won lessons to help you thrive on this crazy journey.

Do: Build a Foundation of Trust

A manager's job is amplifying an artist's vision, not imposing your own. Focus first on developing mutual understanding and an unshakable bond. Be their rock through thick and thin. Earn trust and your guidance will be truly valued. 

Don't: Let Greed Take the Wheel

Sure, huge paydays are nice. But entering this field primarily seeking to get rich quick? Bad move. Focus instead on doing right by your artist. Prioritize their long-term interests, not short-term payouts. Karma will reward you later.

 Do: Sweat the Small Stuff 

The glamorous side of music management is icing. The real work? Researching publicists. Booking studio time. Reviewing gig contracts. Handling finances. Mastering daily nuts and bolts is key for career architects. 

Don't: Think You Know Everything

Admitting you don't have all the answers proves strength, not weakness. Bounce ideas off peers and leverage experts like lawyers or accountants when needed. Only know-it-alls think they must know it all.

Do: Embrace the Pivot

Artists evolve. Sounds change. Industries shift. Clinging rigidly to one formula or plan is foolish. A great manager rolls with the changes smoothly while keeping core values intact.

Don't: Lose Sight of What Matters Most

In the rush of shows, deals and chatter, it's easy to forget what's fundamental: the music. Make time for your artist to create freely. Guide their career, but let their artistry soar untethered.

There you have it - wisdom I wish I knew on day one as a manager! What other insights would you share for navigating this wild journey? The learning never stops.

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