Jay-Z Says Take the $500K Instead of Having Lunch With Him 

An interesting debate has been swirling online - would you rather have lunch with Jay-Z or get paid $500,000? Well, when asked himself, the hip hop mogul says take the cash!

In a recent interview, Jay-Z was questioned about people opting for a lunch date because his wisdom must be worth more than money. 

But Hov himself disagrees with that notion. He explains you can get all the knowledge you need just by listening to his albums. 

According to Jay, his extensive catalog laying out his journey to success is more valuable than any lunch chatter. As he put it, "Everything that I said I wanted to do, I've done."

So in Jay's view, you're better off taking the $500,000 payout and spending it on his music. That way you can really study his blueprint to wealth and achievement. 

Of course, it's easy for a billionaire like Jay-Z to dismiss $500K. But for us regular folk, that's still a life-changing amount! 

While Jay's wisdom surely holds priceless value, most of us would find half a million hard to pass up. Plus, as Jay said himself, the blueprint is all in his songs already. 

What do you think - would you rather break bread with Jay-Z or take the cash? Let us know which you would choose!

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